to our monthly sessions $22 per month.

When you book a session, be prepared for the Dolphins to start creating miracles in your life.  The dolphins may not wait until the official time

of the session to begin sending you their beautiful healing energy. 

​The Dolphins are waiting to take you on an amazing journey of empowering and creating Joy, Play, Flow, Abundance and Love into your life.  

Are you ready?

Session Prices
1 Session  $125.00
3 Sessions  $333.00 (or $111.00/session)
6 Sessions  $600.00 (or $100.00/session)

I am ready to dive in!

Book your session with a credit card or PayPal

by clicking on the blue button below.

Receiving the gentle energy of the dolphins is a joyful and relaxing healing experience.  Receiving a Dolphin Energy Healing session can help you with physical, emotional, mental stress and spiritual challenges.  All you have to do is set an intention for the session and then lay back and relax and open yourself up to receiving the healing energy from the dolphins.

to attend one Group Dolphin Energy Healing session $27.00.

Free Group Sessions

Join our  free monthly group Dolphin Energy Healing sessions.  These sessions will be done live online.  Anne will channel the healing energy for all those in the group from the dolphins, whales and whoever else chooses to share with us.  Anne will share the messages she receives during the session for the group.  

​The Group Dolphin Energy Healing sessions will be recorded so if you miss the live call you will receive a link to watch the recording of the session at your convenience.   The Group sessions will be held the last weekend of each month.  You will be notified of the date, time and call in details once you register for the sessions.

​I am ready to join the pod, sign me up!

Make a voluntary Love Donation

to support these sessions here.

Group Session Suggested Love Donation

Private Sessions

Choose any amount for your Love Donation.
